What’s Missing in Shopper Marketing

What’s Missing in Shopper Marketing

What separates good shopper marketing from great? Strategy? Insight? Creativity? Execution? While there is no denying the importance of each, you can nail all and have your work still be ineffective at shelf. There is something missing in most shopper marketing....
Why Work When You Can Be An Artist?

Why Work When You Can Be An Artist?

Last June Seth Godin, an author, lecturer and entrepreneur I've had the pleasure of meeting on a few occasions, launched a Kickstarter campaign in his words to "… show my publisher, the bookstores and anyone with a book worth writing that it's...

Meet Your New Consumer

Do you talk about your audience in a different way than you did a year ago? Have you shifted your marketing mix to better connect with shopper? Shoppers are evolutionary creatures, continually adapting and evolving their approach to retail. Yet it is amazing how many...
Theory House Activates Food Lion Produce Initiative

Theory House Activates Food Lion Produce Initiative

The team at Theory House is getting ready to activate a great initiative for our grocery client, Food Lion. As part of the retailer's focus on an improved produce offering, we have developed a "Fresh from the Field" sampling tour. The food truck pictured...