The Power of Playful

The Power of Playful

Of all the elements of shopper marketing, product packaging is one of the most important. After all, what moment is more critical in the decision journey than that moment at the shelf, where the shopper is making a purchase decision? Great packaging needs to bring...

Your iPad’s Secret

The iPad has been wildly successful for Apple. Since launching in April 2010, it essentially created the tablet market. And while there was some initial question of the viability of a 'third screen" product, Apple's sale of well over 100 million iPads...
Trend Watching in the Shopper Marketing Space

Trend Watching in the Shopper Marketing Space

Theory House likes to keep an eye on the shopper marketing space and below are some of the key trends identified in the latest TREND. Dissect report: The Third Place. Shopper Marketing Channel: Shopper marketing is the fastest growing advertising category globally....