Google to Let You Email Cash

Google has announced Google Wallet integration within Gmail, allowing for a new way to send money to friends, family, and co-workers. As the video above highlights, a Gmail address isn't required for the recipient, and it's free if your bank account is hooked-up to Google Wallet. If not, you'll have to pay a flat fee of 2.9% per transaction (minimum $0.30) to send money using your linked credit or debit card.

Google has added an attachment icon within the Gmail compose window. "To send money, hover over the attachment paperclip, click the $ icon to attach money to your message, enter the amount you wish to send, and press send," Google describes.  The Google Wallet integration within Gmail is currently only available on desktop, though Google says you can use the Google Wallet website or app to send money on other platforms. It's hard to imagine this won't have an impact on retail commerce in the near future.

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